Rev. TG Desta

TG Desta is the founder and CEO of TG Desta Ministries. TDM was founded in 1998 when Miss TG launched into fulltime ministry. 

Rev. Desta has ministered in more than 30 countries, teaching in Bible Schools and churches, conferences and orphanages, across all denominations. Through her ministry the Lord has revealed Himself in healing, saving, restoring, and building the Church. The world is her home, pleasing the Father and reaching out to people is her heart and making Him known is her mission.

Ministry Q&A

Countries Ministered In

Women's Conferences - One Night with The King

God had been dealing with me to do a women’s conference for a while.  I wasn’t willing to do it at first, because I knew that every church does some kind of conference for women. But I had this scripture in my heart and that’s where the One Night With The King ministry was birthed.

Esther 5:4
“And Esther answered if it seems good to the king, let the King and Haman come this day to the banquet I have prepared for him.”

The ladies will come with their petition before God with praise & worship. There is time for the ministering of the word, a dedicated time of prayer, breaking bread, fellowship, and more. This is an event we do in every country and church where I minister. Our ministry provides all the expenses for the event. It has been a life-changing journey for many women since 2007.

Orphanage Work

TDM ministries has been involved in orphanage work for over 10 years. It started when I was serving in Asia. I come across a ministry that was doing their absolute best to care for the fatherless. I saw there were more than enough opportunities for me to be a part of this great work. With that desire and conviction I continued in the work of caring for the fatherless.

James 1:27 says
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction…”

Our ministry goes to and partners with many churches that are involved in ministering to orphans. We join hands by helping financially and materially.